Unique Engineering Solutions
Because of its roots as an Army trainer, the Enstrom 480B was designed with maintenance in mind. There are only 9 life limited parts in the 480B, and gearbox overhauls are available on an exchange basis for minimal downtime. Like many airframe parts, main rotor blades of the 480B do not have a life limit. They are on-condition basis and this factor contributes to lower operating costs.
There is no life limit on the 480B airframe, and the helicopter has no obligation to return to the factory for a long and expensive overhaul. The 480B can be serviced by any PART-145 organization or by any qualified mechanic.
Enstrom is a very responsive manufacturer when it comes to supplying spare parts. In the past year Enstrom shipped 94% of orders received in AOG within 24 hours, as well as 88% of routine parts. Enstrom is even known to take parts from the production line in order to satisfy AOGs.
In France the company Copter, located at Cournonsec (34), with 20 years of experience on Enstrom, is certified by ENSTROM HELICOPTER as Official Service Center.
The Managing Director Eddy Pacalis can be reached at +33(0)623-771-444 or copter@joulie.fr